What is Heart Attack & Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac Arrest

A person is said to have a heart attack when there is no further supply of blood to the heart, it could be as the result of a blood clot.
A heart attack is also called myocardial infarction, infarction is the termination of the flow of blood to an area and the tissues in that area dies. For more information visit the Best Cardiologists in India.
Symptoms Of A Heart Attack Include:
  • ·         Chest pain
  • ·         Shortness of breath
  • ·         Coughing
  • ·         Wheezing
  • ·         Feeling or being sick
  • ·         Anxiety
  • ·         Palpitations
Heart Attack Treatment
Defibrillator panels: defibrillator panel is used during a heart attack, and it is very effective.
Consider taking these medications before or after a heart attack
  • ·         Aspirin and other antiplatelets
  • ·         Beta-blockers
  • ·         ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors
  • ·         Statins
  • ·         angioplasty
Cardiac Arrest is a sudden attack and the heart stops beating. The victim loses consciousness because of the lack of oxygen. It differs from a heart attack because the heart stops to beat entirely, whereas in heart attack, the heart keeps beating despite the blood supply to the heart has stopped.
Symptoms :
  • ·         Sudden collapse
  • ·         No pulse
  • ·         No breathing
  • ·         Loss of consciousness
Cardiac Arrest Treatments :
  • ·         Medication can lower high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • ·         Surgery can be used to repair damaged blood vessels or heart valves.
  • ·         Exercise may improve cardiovascular fitness.
  • ·         Dietary changes can help you lower cholesterol.
The difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest ;
A heart attack is the hindrance of an artery leading to the heart, while in cardiac arrest, the heart stops pumping of blood around the body.                                     
Cardiac arrest occurs because of a problem with the electrical signals or the malfunctioning of the heart electrical system, this stops the flow of blood to the heart that also circulates to the right places, the lungs and brains don’t receive blood, hence the individual stops breathing and becomes unresponsive within seconds. While a heart attack is said to be a plumbing problem, it could be fixed.
In cardiac arrest, there are no symptoms, the victim’s faints. In a heart attack, there are warning symptoms.
Looking for international Patient Care visit best heart hospital in India.
And also find the best full body Heart Check Up in India.
