Millions of women suffer from a hormonal disorder called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is also called Stein-Leventhal syndrome.

Naturally, all human bodies require the production of both male and female hormones to work efficiently, however, in the case of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), there is a higher production of the male kind of hormone which affects their ovaries. The result of this affected ovary maybe irregular periods, difficulty getting pregnant, and cysts shaped in a string of pearls.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) doesn’t have a cure, but it can be treated, and the victims are always advised to get the consent of their doctors on dosage, side effects, and interactions before they try any other option.

Possible Ways of Treating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Drink an apple cider vinegar tonic every morning

Apple cider vinegar is proven to help with the condition as it improves the body’s elimination system and also neutralizes the pH levels in the body. It effectively helps in controlling bacterial infections, candida, and yeast build-up.

Adopt a whole foods diet

Whole foods are a class of foods that are obtained naturally from the earth without undergoing any form of processing or alterations. Nevertheless, this is no reason to make your meals strictly plant-based or vegan.

Eliminate processed foods

The human body naturally flourishes on foods that have lots of nutrients, and this is essential when treating health disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Therefore, it is vital to avoid foods like corn syrup, white flour, pasta that are processed and those that may contain a high percentage of sugar in them. 

Eat raw cacao

Most women must have noticed by now that they crave sweet foods or snacks during the time of their periods. However, the best nutrients that are necessary for regular menstruation are magnesium and Iron as they efficiently build healthy blood. That is why women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) should consume cocoa because it is an excellent source of iron and magnesium.

Focus on iron-rich food

Many people have a misconception of iron and red meat; there are many vegetables and plant-based foods that are very rich in iron. Some of these vegetables are spinach, kale, goji berries, lentils, chickpeas, etc. It is, therefore, paramount to eat at least one vegetable rich in iron every day. 

Add in supplements

An excellent way to ensure the healing process is successful is by giving the proper vitamins that the body needs. Supplements help the body to improve the immune system, restore lost energy, balance hormones, and causes a healthier flow of blood in the body. Zinc, evening primrose oil, and multivitamins are good examples of supplements that will help the healing process.

Apollo Hospitals provide the best treatment of  polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in women. To find best gynecologists in your city visit the links below:

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